Область прикладного применения результатов научных исследований
Избранные публикации
A.V. Feofanov, A.I. Grichine, T.A. Karmakova, R.I. Iakubovskaya. Uptake and Intracellular Distribution and States of a New Anticancer Agent Teraftal as Investigated with Confocal Raman Imaging Technique.// Asian Journal of Spectroscopy, 1999, 3, 23-31
Feofanov A., Grichine A., Kudelina I., Shitova L., Karmakova T., Yakubovskaya R., Egret-Charlier M., and Vigny P. Method of confocal microspectroscopy and reconstruction of spectral images as applied to investigation of intracellular localisation and molecular interactions of new antitumour agents on a base of phthalocyanines.// Russ. Chem. J., 1998, Vol. 42, N 5, pp. 68 - 76.