Область прикладного применения результатов научных исследований
Избранные публикации
Gelfand M.S. Mironov A.A., Pevzner P.A. Gene recognition via spliced secueme alignment.// Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,1996, v.93, pp.9061-9066.
Frishman D. Gelfand M.S. Mironov A.A. Starts of Bacterial Genes: Estimating the Reliability of computer predictions.// Gene, 1999, v.234, p. 257-265.
Gelfand M.S. Koonin E.V. Avoidance of palindromic words in bacterial and archaeal genomes: a close connection with resdtriction enzimes.// Nucleic Acids Res. 1997, v.25, p.2430-2439.
Mironov A.A., Koonin E.V. Roytberg M.A. Gelfand M.S Computer Analysis of Transcription Regulatory Patterns in Completely Cequenced Bacterial Genomes.// Nucleic Acids Res. 1999, v.27, p. 2981-2989.
Mironov A.A., Roytberg M.A. Pevzner P.A. Gelfand M.S. Performance-guarantee gene predictions via spliced alingment.// Genomics, 1998, v.51, p.332-339.