статитистическая физика биополимеров, противоопухолевые препараты, молекулярная фармакология
Избранные публикации
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Babayan Yu. S., Xodo L.E., Quadrifoglio F. Base specificity in the interaction ofethidium with synthetic polyribonucleotide.// Nucleic Acids Res., 1987, v.15, N14, p.5803 - 5812.
Babayan Yu. S., Garibian J. V. Structural peculiarities of tumor DNA of sarcoma 45.// Biofizika 1990. v. 35, p. 592 - 596.
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Babayan Yu. S., Sngryan H. E., Kazaryan R. S. The investigation of the interaction anti-tumour drugs mitoxantrone and ametantrone with DNA from changes in circular dichroism spectra.// Biofizika, 1998, v.43, N3, p. 422-426.